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Osteopathy for (prof.) athletes

An Osteopath regards the body as a whole

The treatment of athletes requires a specialized skill. Athletes use their bodies in a different way than most people do. As an athlete, you frequently train, partake in sporting events, and you (incidentally) go through the process of rehabilitation. The difference in physical strain on your body requires specific skills from your therapist.

A healthy body is of utmost importance for an athlete. An injury is not only inconvenient, but it also means that you are not able to pursue your passion. A healthy body is a prerequisite for every athlete, after all.

The treatment of athletes requires a specialized skill.


To treat athletes, the specialist not only needs to be understanding of the laws of physiology but needs to evaluate how anatomic and biomechanical processes go and how the treatment relates to the rehabilitation altogether. In practice, the cooperation of the osteopath and a physio-/manual therapist, as well as the rehabilitation/fitness trainer, works very well. The osteopath regards the body as a whole, including the functioning of the organs, the (autonomic) nervous system, and the hormonal system. That helps the sports physician and medical staff to create an aligned treatment plan between the different specializations for the body to recover optimally!

We help to find you the right balance between all determinants that influence the athlete’s recovery.

Thanks to our experience, we understand the mental process of an (injured) athlete, which influence hormonal balance has on the athlete, and what the impact is of disturbed metabolism. We help to find you the right balance between all determinants that influence the athlete’s recovery. Arjan Robben knows the power of osteopathy: right before he received an award for athlete of the year, he stated that his level of fitness was to a great extent due to his osteopath.

Osteopathie Laarman voor topsporters

Throughout the years, we have helped many athletes to even better performances. That is the case for injured and non-injured athletes. Are you an athlete, and would you like to know if we could help you? Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment.

Are you a (top) athlete and would you like to know if we can help you too?
Please contact us today to make an appointment.