• AMS 020 23 8 49 82 / ZWO 06 20 40 14 90
  • Available Monday to Thursday from 9:30 AM till 5:00 PM Friday from 9.30 AM till 1.30 PM
  • info@osteopathielaarman.nl


Insurance coverage

/45 min
Intake / osteopathic treatment:
  • Anamnesis
  • Examination
  • First treatment
/45 min
Osteopathic follow-up treatment
  • Feedback
  • Futher treatments
  • Advice/guidance
/30 min
Osteopathic treatment
  • Follow-up treatment for baby's
  • Maintenance treatment
  • Advice/guidance

Please pay with PIN at Osteopathie Laarman. You will then immediately receive the invoice digitally (in PDF) so that you can claim directly from your health insurer.

The first consult always takes 45 minutes due to the examination. Following appointments will depend on the treatment and the severity of your complaints, and how long they already exist. The individual treatment plan will be discussed during your first consult to ensure clarity and keep you from facing unexpected costs.

Please find below the 2024 insurance coverage’s overview.

Coverage from your health insurer

Osteopathic treatments will only be reimbursed if the treating osteopath meets the following conditions:

  • The osteopath is registered in a recognized register (NRO or NOF).
  • The osteopath has the title D.O.-MRO.

Osteopathie Laarman is registered in the register of the NRO, NOV, and NOF and holds the title D.O.-MRO. In addition, Osteopathie Laarman has the title MSc.Ost.Med and the quality standards of all quality institutes in the field of osteopathy are met.

The so-called “personal contribution” only applies to medical costs that are covered by the basic insurance. Osteopathy is reimbursed from the supplementary insurance and is therefore not included in this personal contribution.

Please find below the 2024 insurance coverage’s overview.

Ga snel naar:


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Laef!3€ 350 (up to € 40 per treatment)€ 24,03


This health insurer does not offer coverage for osteopathy from the supplementary insurance.


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Start€ 100 (up to € 45 per day)€ 16,50
Extra€ 250 (up to € 45 per day)€ 39,50
Aanvulling Uitgebreid€ 500 (up to € 45 per day)€ 57,50


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
50+€ 350 (up to € 40 per day)€ 18,65
Jongeren€ 200 (up to € 30 per day)€ 23,05
Plus€ 350 (up to € 40 per day)€ 24,80
Top€ 550 (up to € 40 per day)€ 47,15
Gezinnen€ 350 (up to € 40 per day)€ 67,55


This health insurer does not offer coverage for osteopathy from the supplementary insurance.

De christelijke zorgverzekeraar

Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Medium polis€ 320 (up to € 40 per day)€ 21,95
Large polis€ 440 ( up to € 40 per day)€ 46,95
Extra Large polis€ 600 (up to € 40 per day)€ 77,50

De Friesland

Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
AV Standaard€ 200 (up to € 40 per day)€ 15,75
AV Extra€ 400 ( up to € 40 per day)€ 26,95
AV Optimaal€ 600 (up to € 40 per day)€ 57,75


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
AV Compact€ 250 (up to € 25 per day)€ 9,75
AV Student€ 450 (up to € 25 per day)€ 17,50
AV Standaard€ 450 (up to € 25 per day)€ 26,25
AV Top€ 450 (up to € 30 per day)€ 46,00


This health insurer does not offer coverage for osteopathy from the supplementary insurance.


This health insurer does not offer coverage for osteopathy from the supplementary insurance.


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
ZonderZorgen€ 550 (up to € 40 per day)€ 37,35


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
AV Compact€ 250 (up to € 25 per day)€ 9,75
AV Student€ 450 (up to € 25 per day)€ 17,50
AV Standaard€ 450 (up to € 25 per day)€ 26,25
AV Top€ 450 (up to € 30 per day)€ 46,00


This health insurer does not offer coverage for osteopathy from the supplementary insurance.


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
JongerenVerzorgd€ 200 (up to € 40 per day)€ 19,60
ExtraVerzorgd 2€ 300 (up to € 40 per day)€ 22,65
ExtraVerzorgd 3€ 500 (up to € 40 per day)€ 43,80


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Extra€ 250 (up to € 50 per day)€ 32,50
Jij & Gemak€ 250 (up to € 25 per day)€ 32,50
Jij & Vitaal€ 350 (up to € 50 per day)€ 41,50
Compleet€ 500 (up to € 50 per day)€ 45,50


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Aanvullend€ 200 (up to € 40 per day)€ 15,65
Extra Aanvullend€ 350 (up to € 40 per day)€ 27,78
Uitgebreid€ 500 (up to € 40 per day)€ 54,45
Uitgebreid Fysio meenemen€ 500 (up to € 40 per day)€ 55,95


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Startfit€ 100 (€ 30 per consultation or treatment)€ 9,84
Benfit€ 350 (up to € 40 per day)€ 24,46
Optifit€ 550 (up to € 50 per day)€ 50,48
Topfit€ 1000 (up to €65 per day )€ 67,66


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Plus€ 350 (up to € 40 per day)€ 25,00
Top€ 500 (up to € 40 per day)€ 47,95

Stad Holland

Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Compact AV€ 250 (up to € 25 per day)€ 9,75
Jongeren AV€ 400 (up to € 25 per day)€ 12,75
Standaard AV€ 450 (up to € 25 per day)€ 26,25
Uitgebreide AV€ 450 (up to € 30 per day)€ 48,75
Extra Uitgebreide AV€ 450 (up to € 40 per day)€ 67,75

United Consumers (VGZ)

Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
ZorgZeker 2€ 250 (up to € 40 per day)€ 31,88
ZorgZeker 3€ 300 (up to € 40 per day)€ 54,75


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Aanvullend Beter€ 300 (up to € 40 per day)€ 28,00
Aanvullend Best€ 500 (up to € 40 per day)€ 41,00


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Aanvullend Beter€ 300 (up to € 40 per day)€ 25,95
Aanvullend Best€ 500 (up to € 40 per day)€ 43,60


This health insurer does not offer coverage for osteopathy from the supplementary insurance.


This health insurer does not offer coverage for osteopathy from the supplementary insurance.


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Start€ 100 (up to € 30 per day)€ 9,84
Student€ 100 (up to € 40 per day)€ 14,57
Plus€ 350 (up to € 40 per day)€ 24,46
Optimaal€ 550 (up to € 50 per day)€ 50,48
Top€ 1000 (up to € 65 per dag)€ 80,00


Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Extra ZEKUR€ 250 (up to € 25 per treatment)€ 37,95


This health insurer does not offer coverage for osteopathy from the supplementary insurance.

Zilveren Kruis

Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
Aanvullend 2 Sterren€ 250 (up to € 40 per day)€ 21,75
Aanvullend 3 Sterren€ 450 (up to € 40 per day)€ 40,75
Aanvullend 4 Sterren€ 650 (up to € 40 per day)€ 59,50

Zorg en Zekerheid

Name insuranceinsurance coverageper month
AV Basis€ 250 (up to € 25 per day)€ 16,00
AV Sure€ 250 (up to € 25 per day)€ 22,50
AV Standaard€ 250 (up to € 25 per day)€ 23,75
AV Top€ 460 (up to € 40 per day)€ 49,95
AV Plus€ 460 (up to € 40 per day)€ 55,95
AV GeZZin€ 460 (up to € 40 per day)€ 61,95

The above overview is intented as an indication for insurance coverage. Please always consult your insurance’s policy conditions for the exact coverage.